The Chake Conservancy is actively engaging in community
reforestation and afforestation using select species raised in
our nursery.
© Chake Conservancy and licensors 2020
Would you like to help?
Chake has an ongoing GOFUNDME campaign that
welcomes donations.
Do you have skills that might assist us?
Contact Chake
As in other areas of the world, our area has become deforested over
time and this has negatively impacted native biodiversity, reduced
available shade, simplified habitat, released carbon dioxide and reduced
the environment’s quality as a watershed and carbon sink.
Deforestation of Nyakere Forest
Deforestation of Nyakere Forest
Chake Conservancy aims to protect forest from illegal logging and
restore lost woodland by growing trees from seed and planting them out
in areas that will benefit people, livestock and wildlife.
Esokonoia local
indigenous tree
offering shade and
the fruits are eaten
by birds, baboons,
monkeys and also
elephants. It has
medicinal uses as a
paste for toothache
and its leaves can be
used as a toothbrush.
It takes 4 years to
Blue Gum is an
exotic tree and very
fast growing, it’s
very good for wind-
breaks and for
firewood, building
poles and timber.
Takes 1 to 3 years to
Podococus is a local
indigenous tree
mainly for shade
and makes a good
habitat for birds to
nest in, and its good
for rainfall. It takes
2.5 years to grow.
Avocado is an exotic
species. the fruit is
nutritious for people
and of course
elephants, baboons
and monkeys just love
them! It can take up to
3 or 4 years to bear
fruit with proper care.